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De la solidarité


It is in times of crisis that we recognize the value of a person, of a people.

Thanks to the solidarity of Quebecers, and in particular thanks to the Facebook group "J'achète Québécois, j'achète local" my business held out during the lockdown. I thank you all, and I thank the administrators of the group who recommended my business. A big thank you from the bottom of my heart.

This pandemic has made the government and the people of Quebec realize that we must be more self-sufficient and less dependent on other countries for our basic necessities. As far as our food is concerned, we have seen that the Quebec flour barn was completely emptied in less than a month. And we are not finished: it has only just begun.

Quebec entrepreneurs have been proposing solutions for a long time, and they have been falling into line number 13. Among these proposals, one that could make its way: shouldn't our state company, Hydro-Quebec, offer prices that would support year-round greenhouses for the production of vegetables and fruits? If there is a northern country that can afford it, it is Quebec with its Hydro-electricity?

As for basic medical protection items, I hope that the Ministry of Health will stop buying what is cheaper and from China: We have seen that China did not hesitate to increase its rates by 6000% by abusing shamefully when the opportunity arises. It is clear that a Quebec company would perhaps sell its equipment more expensively on a daily basis, but they would not dare to increase their tariffs by 6000% to the detriment of its own people.

Nous aurons du temps pour réfléchir aux solutions à apporter pour soutenir notre autosuffisance médicale (comme de revoir la proposition d'Amir Khadir, de nationaliser la production de médicaments); ou de reconsidérer sérieusement le fait qu'on ait laisser aller complètement l'industrie textile du Québec, qui doit complètement se reconstruire pour faire face à la pandémie.

Quebec has challenges, but it also has friends. Friends with whom it has been doing business for years on the international scene. But it is in adversity that we recognize our true friends. So let's drop those who abuse us, and continue to support our true friends, the small fair trade producers. Especially those who live in areas where the health care system is in danger of being overtaken quickly. Especially in countries where people survive on subsistence farming, like in Madagascar, where people live on an average budget of 30 Euro per month.

In Madagascar, the crisis is all the more acute because it occurs during the lean season. The government has allowed producers to sell their production beyond March 31, the closing date established by law. So all production must now be sold by May 31, 2020. Those who fail to sell their production will be reduced to returning to the bush without the vanilla income that usually allows it to survive until the next season, which opens on October 15.

If you feel like buying a bunch of vanilla, choose Madagascar vanilla because it is the only one in the world to be governed by a quota system.

NB This promotion is only available to members of the Facebook group: "J'achète Québécois, j'achète local".

"Buy a 50g vanilla bouquet and have it delivered to your mother's house: she will receive a 100ml bottle of Costa Rican vanilla extract, as well as a little note from you for Mother's Day".

Code: Mother's Day (Note that you must also select the Costa Rican extract, and then add the code for the extract to appear free).

Chantale Caron

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